@capturethememories well, I read this. Nothing I say will really help, but I will say there was a time I was so far down into my depression and anxiety that I almost killed myself. I felt guilty for being depressed because I didn't really have anything to be depressed about. It was only years later when I came out of it that I realized it doesn't matter if I don't have it as bad as someone else. Pain is pain. It hurts. That is legit. Someone told me once that depression lies to you and that rang really true to me. I couldn't see it when I was in the middle of it, but I did when I finally came out of it. That doesn't mean I don't struggle anymore. I still do and probably always will but at least I understand myself a little better now. It sounds like you can recognize your own signs and I think that is very important. I don't know you or the people around you, but if people at work notice you are missing meals, at least they notice enough to care. I know it's easy for me to say you don't need to feel stupid for wanting attention and a lot harder to put into practice, but your feelings are legitimate. Your pain and desire for attention is legitimate. Also, no one is normal. We just all have different things we are hiding and different masks we are wearing. That probably doesn't help you at all, but I just wanted you to know that I read this