no way i have chapters in my drafts? crazy https://www.wattpad.com/story/361295908

Erm, Lia has a new story?????

surprise? i guess? https://www.wattpad.com/story/361295908

this message may be offensive
IM SO DELIRIOUS ITS PPST CUTE TINGS ON YR PROFILE HRSSJKAKFKSK!! thank u for putting up with me it means super much ♥️ u are tired and stressed out and I am stressed but about things I shouldn’t be stressed about like not listening 2 mamamoo 4 24hrs. n that’s why we’re good friends bc u remind me 2 thibk abt actually important things n I *try* 2 get u 2 transform from a rock into a terrace house fan (: !!! (new season is coming out on the 10th n I’m gonna watch the first episode n then scream about it with u n all u need 2 say is ‘ami u are dumb dumb wow ur right skinny leg lady does have skinny legs xoxo’ or some variation of that) basically u are great n mayebe u should not be stressed n maybe ppl should stop giving u things to be stressed about bc it’s no good n it means that we don’t get to talk as much n rlly if ppl aren’t looking out for ur feelings they should be looking out for mine (:< ALSO u should grow a unibrow so we can twin ♥️♥️♥️ basically im fun n ur fresh n together we are fun AND FRESH *clap noizes* what a nice combo I stan us okok have a sexy day or night or uhhhhhhh time loOoVvVwvevevebwn UUUU

ok I think I’m done unless I canr fall asleep in the next 10 minutes in which case I will continue 2 force u to read this very long appreciation (?) post

alsoalso IM NOT SAYING UR NOT FUN!! U are... ur both u are fun and fresh like wowow double trouble !!! I’m just slimy and sexy *star eyes emoji* uuu know u make me *comfort crowd* u should rlly come to the states so I can serenade u #4realzies #ihavanunusedguestroom #theplacewhereiliveisveryprettyngoodforstudying #hahahahhahahaha

it’s very late for you and it’s not even past my bedtime here but I’m sad for you. I hope you’re able to sleep well tonight and wake up tomorrow without any jet lag ♥️ and I hope that everything that happened over that stupid plane ride will fade away. and I super duper hope that you stop feeling sick and start getting rlly healthy as you should. I will make you a visor once you start feeling healthy again. Hopefully with the motivation that soon I will make a custom visor and send u pictures will be enough for u 2 be on ur feet rlly rlly fast. Anyway rest lots ♥️ idk when you’ll see this but if it’s in the morning then you probably haven’t slept enough :/ but good morning anyway

context for amis comment: im in orlando rn

you should buy visors @ the parks n send them to me

wattpad literally sucks so im typing this all out again :/ hi all it's ami and its 30 minutes past my bedtime so that means i AM SOFT and i am tired so this might not make sense in the morning. the important thing to get out of this is that lia is exceptional and actually the best. idk if u know this but i am a mess and she puts up with that which is more than lots of people can say. when im sad and lonely shes there. when i am feeling ugly she is there + good advice. n this isnt just exclusive 2 me she genuinely cares about everyone around her which is super special. im rlly happy i get 2 be friends with her bc she is big cool. i watched her go from "DKDHuhuh" 2 "i j cba yk" and i like both of them. also shes rlly good at piano which is bigger cool. even tho she does not want NAY ONE 2 know this she is a CUTIE liek a mega cutie u wouldnt believe how cutie. 'Im not a TsUNDerE' she goes from saying absolutely nothing n just being like 'no' in front of other people n then being like super excited about things like bts n levis ass. ok but there's more shes really nice and very very nice. yes i call her stupid and a grump a lot but that is only a little bit trueeeeeee. im sorry im tirwd none of this makes sense but i will continue. she is also cool bc she is from across an ocean. what ocean?????? IDK atlantic. but that means that she has a nice voice and is fun 2 talk to. its never very awkward when we talk whicj is good bc i am awkward and that is a problem. ya dig?? kool. also she says things that just make me soft ok. ion think its even intentiional it justr haopens and thats very nice. u know what i will write a texting fic rn for u btb im so tired this is bad ok. moral of the storu is that ily lots wifey/bestie/sister hhhhhh read stanger danger or i will preheat ur brains 2 350 degrees Celsius. yes i know thats a lot i have a head. im sorry this is me tired and i cant type. its rlly only 30 minutes after my bedtime ik im a child. ur laughing bc u go 2 sleep late

ok I’m mad bc I typed out a whole soft thing and it didn’t post so actually wattpad sucks