Hey! I'm Jessica:)

I'm a 15 year old girl who loves to writes stories, I mostly support ziall but will do any kind of story:)

I love any kind of music<3 literally any kind!

I'm a very open mind girl, I treat others how they treat me:)

I stand up for what i belive in, no matter if I stand alone! I eat aloooot, I'm practically in loooove<3 with food.

Hate to see people cry & be depress so I'm always here if you need a talk or somethin' ....I'm a very friendly girl & I'm always there for my friends, family, & practically everyone...well i think thats pretty much it, I really didn't know what to write hahaha ...hopefully this is enough haha well love ya' & message me, I like meeting new people:)
  • Дата регистрацииJune 24, 2012


Последнее сообщение
careless1dlover careless1dlover Jun 26, 2012 12:53AM
@DaughterOf_Darkness Awe really? That be wonderful<3
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What If (ziall) от careless1dlover
What If (ziall)
What if all you ever wish was to please your father? What if you fell in love with the boy of your life? What...
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