Hi! My name's Carley. I was born in Canada in 1995, and have lived in one place or another within this country all my life. I've always had a bit of a knack for the English language, helping me get straight As in my English classes all throughout my learning career. Writing is a huge inspiration to me. Poems, short stories, fairy tales, novels...I'll do them all! I love to read more than I love to write, though, because the talent of others is a huge inspiration to me. My favorite books are Les Miserables, The Power of One, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, The Demonata series, and the Harry Potter books. However, there are many more books I've read that have inspired me too. <3

Anyways! As a writer, my main inspiration is experience. I haven't had a lot of it, but everything I've known in my life has been recorded in some expression or another. Poetry used to be my favorite form of writing, since it's short, concise and pretty sounding. After a while, short stories took over, and then I made a confident move (perhaps too confident...) and began writing my first novel, Solstice. It was a huge project at first; my floor was littered with doodles and sketches of the characters, my notebooks were filled to the spine with ideas and character after character. I had so much I wanted to do and say...it was overwhelming! Eventually I canceled out a lot of things, realizing that my ideas were good, but didn't all need to be in one novel. I could write many novels and focus more on the ideas, instead of squeezing them all into one novel. I could even write entirely different stories and have the ideas applied to a new plot. After a year of hard work, I finally came out of it with a really rough draft of the novel. Since then, I've worked on touching it up and pursuing a sequel, as well as three other novels on the side, all of which are shorter and less experimental.

Aside from all that, I love to bake, draw, shop, listen to music and hang out with my friends!
  • JoinedSeptember 23, 2012

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carleycupcakes carleycupcakes May 07, 2013 06:33AM
@Sockmonkey10 oh yes I understand how it can be when you have too much sugar :) 
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