
Greetings! How are you? I wanted to ask if you were interested in religion/history related books. If so, i can advice you the book i shared on the link. Its about the life of Prophet Muhammad. The last Prophet of God who brought us the last holy book 'Quran', a book gifted by our God to us as a divine guide, with the promise from Allah that it will never be altered, not even a single word of it. I will be very happy if you give it a chance and have a look at it.


SET YOUR ALARMS!!!!~~~~■•■
          CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE!!! ~~~ ○•●
          It's coming........
          It's going to be AmAzINg~~~~~~
          TOMORROW " 8 DEC 2024 " at 12 O'CLOCK!
          The very ||  FIRST!! || Chapter of one and only dark painful horror romance story 
                                        ★   " KIDNAPPED " ★
          IS GOING TO BE RELEASED........
          It will be packed with twists and turns and Unforgettable moments, You won't want to miss.
          Please join us!!!!!!!! 
          Tomorrow at 8 Dec 2024 
          12 o'clock!!!!