Kaye is such a strong woman, regardless of getting involved in an accident, suffering from amnesia for six years, her father dying and his wolf in sheep's clothing wife and step daughter stripping all she had away from her. I'm so happy Lemuel and Leonel took her in because now she's gonna fight with everything in her for them to get the god life they deserve (hopefully uncle Lemuel doesn't die from his disease - he's so kind, not thinking of himself and paying Kaye's hospital bill instead and it was so nice how she moved them into the villa and got Leonel that computer he always wanted). Kaye is so smart - I mean she hacked Alu Ox in 13 minutes! And now even Darius, the ultimate emotionless god is rooting for her. I can't wait to watch Nicca, Mrs Hunt, Zenny, Alu and Janna die aha. Remember that time Zenny pretended Kaye hurt her and faked a pregnancy? What a bitch. And Gab was so helpful when Mrs Hunt was being rude to Kaye. He's only five but he's so smart and going through so much pain. Also, Martis and his sister deserve the best life. I cannot wait for chapter thirty when Alu finally loses and to see the pride on Darius' face. Kaye is super hardworking - she made 10 million grand by diffusing a virus that she installed (haha, savage) and she made 400000 in a day as opposed to the 300000 RMB she hoped for and all the programming books are too easy for her. She is such a prodigy.

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@lemoneyy She will get back her fortune and regain her beauty, even though she has the most beautiful personality to me and Leonel. I can't wait for her and Darius to fall in love and for Nicca to be exposed and for Gab to come love with her. However, I don't see it happening anytime soon as she's always rejecting his advances and keeping this awesomely poise demeanour. Kaye Vienna is gonna be a fucking success in the future. I'm sure that guy at the restaurant will regret not hiring her. Anyway, your book is really good and it's the first one I've genuinely enjoyed in a while. Hopefully you update soon, you deserve more reads. By the way, I read the entire thing online since, apparently it's the only way your reads will reflect. Have a great Saturday! <3