@MasterofUwu I also appreciate you ❤️ If you want to make a book. Take that chance even the greatest and best selling authors took a path to success with lots of ups and down and trials and errors. Sometimes it's just about taking the risk to reap the reward.
Thanks for adding my book "OPPUGNAUT" to your reading list!
Be sure to check out my other (currently published) Taegguk books: DEAD EYES STILL GLIMMER, WITNESS PROTECTION, RAVENOUS (may be discontinued), and BITTERSWEET (may be discontinued).
For future releases, check out the dates in my bio under the sub heading "drafts: coming soon!"
Thanks for the support~❤✨
@dmdrose lol fine with me. In asianfanfic a girl came back to finish her story like 2 years later. She had to reread her own story and everything to remember her ideas x3