Liên kết đến Bình luậnQuy tắc Ứng xửCổng An toàn Wattpad
Hello hello! I have decided to publish a new work titled ‘words whispered in the wind’ - it is unlike my uh... “usual” stuff, but I do hope you enjoy it in a different sense. Updates will be sporadic, as they are short, free verse poems that come to me at random times. I hope you like it!

Hello hello! I have decided to publish a new work titled ‘words whispered in the wind’ - it is unlike my uh... “usual” stuff, but I do hope you enjoy it in a different sense. Updates will be sporadic, as they are short, free verse poems that come to me at random times. I hope you like it!

Hey there, strangers! I had taken a big step away from writing and reading recently because of a few life events and other issues I was having with my mental health...But I am happy to say, that I am planning on getting back into it here soon! I also missed a big milestone while I was away, and for that I need to say: Thank you for 20,000 reads on the Cold as Stone bonus scenes! It means so much to me that you have given my short scenes so much love, even if you have or haven't read the original story on Episode. Again, thank you! <3

@carntz we appreciate your work as well you may have taken a step back but we all still here for you and will continue to read your amazing stories
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Where can I read the full book "cold as stone"?

Hey everyone! I had a few people ask what has happened with my bonus scenes, and the short answer is this: I took a much needed mental health break. I mainly use Episode to tell my stories and use Wattpad for those NSFW scenes that I cannot put into Episode. Because of this, these scenes have been pushed to the back burner. However, I updated Cold as Stone on Episode yesterday (12/31/2020) which means a new bonus scene should be posted hopefully within this week! Fingers crossed! Thank you for reaching out and enjoying my work. I appreciate you all so much. ~Casey

Hey, what happened to your book cold as stone, you haven't updated it on wattpad or episode. Hope you are alright.

What happened to Cold as Stone???