Carol Yuri, 16, just a part-time/ for fun writter and possibly a  photographer (ok, no). Maybe I'm an artist, maybe I'm a singer, maybe I'm just crazy and trying to complete my Infos. I don't know why but I like to talk in English with people and I'm just addicted to some sports. Music and drawing are just like... my life and books are truly my essence. Most of the time I write poems or like a definition of a feeling or a little story that involves feeling... whatever, I'm from pisces so.. just accept that I feel a lot and everything will have true feelings. And that's how it goes, writing is like putting a finger on your own throat.
  • JoinedDecember 28, 2015

Story by carol_yuri
Constellations  by carol_yuri
Talvez todos estejamos predestinados a algo, talvez todos estejamos perdendo algo. Contudo, não saberia expli...