@carolinescouch Well I think in the comics Dr Doom isn't a villain but not a hero, his is an antihero .
And his is like the president of a place that I don't remember it's name and that place evolved and stuff and to them he is a hero .
And in a comic I think Dr. Doom has fight Spider-Man but it was a misunderstanding because Spider-Man thought that Dr Doom wanted to fight him But he actually wanted to fight an another guy.
And about Rdj I think he came back because he didn't want Deadpool to save the MCU .
And to not see Dr Doom as Tony Stark I think I can help you with that, my friend's celebrity crush is James Mcavoy and she told me that " You see him only in the X-men movies but there he is bald " And I was " Challenge Accepted, I will see a more of his movies and will see if I change my mind " and I did watch a lot of them and I stop seeing him as Charles Xavier and I started seeing him as the character that he is playing