
this message may be offensive
So I’m getting the feeling ya’ll are wanting an update.
          	Well I’m continuing my Legend of the Sargent story and I’ll give a general timeline for now on what I’m planning on it
          	This upcoming chapter is kind of filler, mainly because some of you like the Anakin and Johnson “father he never had” moments so I figured I’d give a chapter to further temper and solidify the bond for what I have planned later on in the story overall. That and there may or not be another Grievous moment that can alter things for the remainder of the war. And a major change planned for Dooku. I had hinted at it in an earlier chapter but it comes to play here.
          	After that will be the Onderon Arc but if it will be more than two chapters or not, I’m not certain. Mainly depends on how much I think I can fit Johnson in and how much I can change in the overall arc without completely flipping the script for that arc.
          	Maybe have some chapter and some inbetween scenes in these upcoming chapters about everyone’s favorite Mandalorian terrorists and their new not-demon allies making moves and plans with similar goals aligned. 
          	I’ve got plans people but I know it’s taking forever for each chapter. What do I gotta say? I got kids. I got work. I got shit to do and I have no time for a lot of it. 
          	Either way I do want to thank each and every single one of you that comments and reads my stories. From this big project to the older, smaller, cringier ones I’ve done in the past. It means a lot to know my writing and literacy is actually liked.
          	Thank you all for the patience of saints and support from the bottom of my heart. I promise to get this new chapter up soon. With that I will see you all later/


@carpboy009 Amigo ya actualiza la historia del sargento!!!


It ok ✅   take your time personal stuff take of plus can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories for legend of sergeants 


this message may be offensive
@carpboy009 brother as far as I'm concerned you're the Best writer on this website that don't have the "guy get a fucking harem" bullshit you write a story which is rare here and for that I'm willing to wait because you're chapters are very entertaining and funny at the time it needs it all I've gotta say is keep that head on your shoulders because that's a trophy 


Yo Carp you feeling well their?


@carpboy009 hope you feel better their mate


I’m good man. Been rough lately but I’m good. Still working on the final bits of the next chapter when I can. It’s kinda helped lately but it should be out soon. 


this message may be offensive
So I’m getting the feeling ya’ll are wanting an update.
          Well I’m continuing my Legend of the Sargent story and I’ll give a general timeline for now on what I’m planning on it
          This upcoming chapter is kind of filler, mainly because some of you like the Anakin and Johnson “father he never had” moments so I figured I’d give a chapter to further temper and solidify the bond for what I have planned later on in the story overall. That and there may or not be another Grievous moment that can alter things for the remainder of the war. And a major change planned for Dooku. I had hinted at it in an earlier chapter but it comes to play here.
          After that will be the Onderon Arc but if it will be more than two chapters or not, I’m not certain. Mainly depends on how much I think I can fit Johnson in and how much I can change in the overall arc without completely flipping the script for that arc.
          Maybe have some chapter and some inbetween scenes in these upcoming chapters about everyone’s favorite Mandalorian terrorists and their new not-demon allies making moves and plans with similar goals aligned. 
          I’ve got plans people but I know it’s taking forever for each chapter. What do I gotta say? I got kids. I got work. I got shit to do and I have no time for a lot of it. 
          Either way I do want to thank each and every single one of you that comments and reads my stories. From this big project to the older, smaller, cringier ones I’ve done in the past. It means a lot to know my writing and literacy is actually liked.
          Thank you all for the patience of saints and support from the bottom of my heart. I promise to get this new chapter up soon. With that I will see you all later/


@carpboy009 Amigo ya actualiza la historia del sargento!!!


It ok ✅   take your time personal stuff take of plus can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories for legend of sergeants 


this message may be offensive
@carpboy009 brother as far as I'm concerned you're the Best writer on this website that don't have the "guy get a fucking harem" bullshit you write a story which is rare here and for that I'm willing to wait because you're chapters are very entertaining and funny at the time it needs it all I've gotta say is keep that head on your shoulders because that's a trophy 


Hey cqrpboy009 you still there?


this message may be offensive
Day 87:
            Still no word from earth. Apparently they want me to continue writing my story, but I have no fucking clue what their language is so there’s that.
            In other news this chapter is getting close to being done so hey! Maybe I won’t be locked up too long.


@HiddenDe I think the covenant got him


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes of Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Series Combo Set Stories and Star Wars TV Shows Titles Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories for The Legend of the Sargent.


Halo UNCS Sargent Major Avery Johnson discover order 66 acted premature activated by accident by itself clone trooper tuc killed or murdered Jedi Master in cold blood and clone trooper fives discover plot use Grand Army of the Republic during mission or ops during Clone Wars by order Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine undercover name hidden Sith Lord Darth Sidious as Commander of Chief of Galactic Republic later transformed to evil Galactic of Empire


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles   Series Combo Set Stories soon as possible whenever you have time.