
@SugarCubes4 yes agreed! If you get the chance to read it let me know what you think


Ok I need help on how to tell 2 of my friends that I can't be friends with them anymore.
          Reason: I feel as if God is telling me not to be their friend anymore.
          It's as if they're getting in my way of my relationship with God. One of them is an atheist and the other says he 'believes' in God. But he won't show it. He's always cussing. I think he just says tht so he can make it to heaven. Srry I'm ranting but can u help??


@BrendaD12346 I feel like if you prayed about it you should go ahead and tell them what you feel led to do. sometimes relationships and friendships don't work out and that's perfectly fine. it's your life and you should do what makes you happy and what you feel led to do. just be straight forword and tell them how you feel and that you don't think you can be friends anymore more. hopefully this helped!