You don't need to hurry things up. True love waits until the end of forever ♥

nobody's perfect, i am far from perfection, and so are you. just go, be yourself, & be happy with what you've got. what you have now might just be all that you'll have in your whole lifetime. you'll never know what you've lost 'til it's gone - that i believe based on my experience. you think you'll always have something/someone for as long as you want to, what you don't realize is that if you take them for granted, they just might get sick and tired of waiting for you to come to your senses and just tell them what you should tell them instead of telling them only the things you're forced to say. shout! whatever you really utterly want to say to them, scream it to their faces, they won't mind, believe me. doing that is better than holding it all inside and letting time just pass you by until you realize that it's all too late, regret will conquer you. you'll never feel more remorseful in your entire lifetime, sounds awful right? just wait 'til you experience the exact thing. the only way you'll prevent this from happening in your life is you start to live life to the fullest and see things in a different perspective. i know it's all oh-so cliche, but it's all just so true. you have to keep in mind that life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get. haha. so now, this is more than just cliche, but yet again, this, too, is true. life is too unpredictable for us to let things happen just because every moment in our life that passes by will be a memory we'll be wanting to return to in the future. now, all we can do to go back and relive these memories is to reminisce and try to remember what we felt exactly when that moment happened, how nostalgic. well, that is life. that is reality. that's just basically how things are. live life. ^_^
  • JoinedMay 17, 2012