I'm terrible. Here's the reason, again, for my absence; my tablet caught a virus, it's dead and unfixable. Now I have a new phone finally, which means I have no excuse for screwing up on less content. Now that that's out of the way, I have made a decision that will take a while to complete, but it will put my mind at ease...I'm rewriting The Propheseries...now, this will take time, but it'll be worth it for everyone to get a much longer and full version of The Prophecy and to finally put my actual vision inside it. The other reason I wanted to do this is because I started the first Prophecy in 2014 and finished in 2015 which gave me lots of time to expand my writing skills and quite frankly I just hated the first few chapters of The Prophecy and the book itself due to major plot holes, that I'll fix. Long and short of it, new version of The Prophecy coming late 2016, either released at once or periodically but with a schedule for once, not sure. Anyways, stay sexy errybody