
Hey guys, I'm back! I'm sorry it took so long, there has been a lot going on. I've been moving and had a pretty bad breakup. in addition to continuing "hunting with angels" i will be also working on a new story. Both updates should be published soon!!!


Hey guys, I'm back! I'm sorry it took so long, there has been a lot going on. I've been moving and had a pretty bad breakup. in addition to continuing "hunting with angels" i will be also working on a new story. Both updates should be published soon!!!


hey guys I'm thinking about writing, what would you want to read out of these topics? 
          1. supernatural
               a. no wincest or Charliexthe boys
          2. Harry Potter 
          3. BDSM
          4. any kind of sex story
          *can do either smut or fluff, be specific.


@IrisValentine8 any specific ships in mind? if not, default are sabriel and destiel.