
Sorry for not updating "Beneath the Waves" in awhile. I had almost the whole second chapter done, decided I didn't like it, and started rewriting it. I've been a little busy this week but I'm working on it. Meanwhile you can read "The Sword, the Arrow, and the Flame", which already has three published chapters and three more ready to be published! 


Sorry for not updating "Beneath the Waves" in awhile. I had almost the whole second chapter done, decided I didn't like it, and started rewriting it. I've been a little busy this week but I'm working on it. Meanwhile you can read "The Sword, the Arrow, and the Flame", which already has three published chapters and three more ready to be published! 


In case anyone is interested, I made an Instagram account for my writing. I'm going to post when I update and some sneak-peeks at chapters I haven't published yet. The username is the same, and the link to it is in my bio. 


Thanks for following me ^^


Wowww I started following them like yesterday I didn't expect my message to have so much impact xD


@ragingbaba np! I actually found you through Instagram, I saw you commented on justaroacethings' post :)