
Hello everyone,
          	I know it has been a long time since I posted anything on this app and I do apologize. Life has been busy and hard the last few years but inspiration has hit me as of late and I really wanted to get back into writing Power of the Moon. 
          	I have posted 2 brand new chapters for you guys to read and I hope you enjoy them. I hope to post chapters regularly and I shall keep you guys updated on my progress. I love and miss you guys and thank you so much for sticking with me all this time.
          	You guys truly are the best xx


Glad to see you’re back! Hope all is well! X 


@caseycstories Hey I was wondering if you are still updating Spirit of the Moon on episode


Hello everyone,
          I know it has been a long time since I posted anything on this app and I do apologize. Life has been busy and hard the last few years but inspiration has hit me as of late and I really wanted to get back into writing Power of the Moon. 
          I have posted 2 brand new chapters for you guys to read and I hope you enjoy them. I hope to post chapters regularly and I shall keep you guys updated on my progress. I love and miss you guys and thank you so much for sticking with me all this time.
          You guys truly are the best xx


Glad to see you’re back! Hope all is well! X 


@caseycstories Hey I was wondering if you are still updating Spirit of the Moon on episode


Long time everyone. I know it’s been over a year since I last posted and I apologise. I’ve been so busy with my episode stories and college that I lost the time for this. But I want to get back into writing on Wattpad. I wish to publish my own book someday and Wattpad is the best place to start that experience. I’m currently working on the next chapters of Power of the Moon and I will have them out for you shortly. In the meantime, stay safe and I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Xx