
Hey everyone, all of I'm Alexandra's series stories have new covers expect for the first and last book


Hey everyone it's been a while since I had posted or updated any stories I have been going through some personal issues but I'm back now. I have stories plan and soon will be posting new stories. I got lots of ideas for stories. I want to do Marvel series, but want to write with someone anyone who wants to do it with me message me. I want to continue doing my horror series so I'll be back updating and posting new stuff :)


@caseywhatever hi thanks for updating


It’s my birthday today I’m 24. On my other account @xtremedark my story It Was Always You should be done tonight. :) 


@joonie_blue12 thanks dude and yeah I would love to catch up it’s alright. Love u too dude and thanks again 


@caseywhatever happy birthday sweetie! I know it's been a really long time since we talk. I m really sry to not catch u up in all these days but you can msg me whenever u want and I love u remember that! Happy birthday once again


Hey everyone
          So I been rewriting some chapters from my Forever Series cause it’s kinda crappy in my option and I want to make it better. Also I been working on TVD series that I hope to release next month and hope you guys like it :)