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Hey guys.. There's been something on my mind lately.. It's been making me more and more depressed as the days go by! Okay yes, everyone's different.. But I didn't know people can sleep at night after they just put someone down.. For all they know is the person could be cutting or self harming, but there so rich they can drown the sorrows in money. Yet some of us get scared to go to school the next day as if there about to puke all over the floor, as if there scared of being judged on how they look.. All my life I've been called ugly, stupid, fat.. But I don't think these people are ready for when reality hits them. It hits them hard and you know what, it sure as hell is gonna suck for them.. I feel sorry for those snooty ass rich kids that think there the shit! Well guess what, for now you 1 of 300 but soon you'll be 1 of 7 billion.. They probably won't see any of those people after highschool... Yet they choose to act that way.. I sit alone. I feel as if I have no friends, at are school you either nerd, invisible, popular.. I'm the invisible kid no one notices.. But to hell with them, let them make fun of your clothes, let them make fun of you.. Cause they need that tiny strength of you sadness to make them feel better about them self.. Trust me there week on there own!!! Idc what you do with this message, screen shot, tell a friend, Instagram! But I want every single one of you tomorrow to walk into school with all this confidence, be nice, don't be fake, and be yourself. If you think what your wearing is cool, well damn that's the coolest outfit I've ever seen! I want you to wear it proud!! Who else is done with these bullies? Cause I sure as hell am!