Hi and a big thank you to the 3 people who are reading this. I'm CiCi the Reces puff. I write anything from fantasy to horror to fanfiction and most of it is slightly deep or creepy or sad. And I define fanfiction as a fan made spinoff not a romance novel about people who are in books that already exist. If you want a romance fanfiction you're not going to find it here!
  • Đã tham giaJune 9, 2015

Truyện của casobo
When I get an Inspiration Kick bởi casobo
When I get an Inspiration Kick
Random scenes from stories I plan to write but haven't yet. Some of these are half-baked ideas or fanfiction...
Won't You Stay the Night? bởi casobo
Won't You Stay the Night?
For years and years Hotel Green Myst has had much success and many, many guests. But now that it is under ne...
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