
Hi everyone! I just posted chapter six of Alive a couple days ago! I hope you all like it! :)


Hi there! Today I just posted 2 chapters to a new story I started the other day, called "Change of Heart." I also have 5 chapters done for a story I have been working on for about a year now, called "Alive."
          *Fun fact about "Alive": It has gone through SO many edits that I've made when I was either sleep-deprived, hungry, crying, just woke up, eating ramen noodle soup on a sunday, and in many other scenarios. The characters' names have changed multiple times, and so has the title. The title has always changed based upon the main character's name. Actually, even the cover for "Alive" is related to another main character's name. They're subtle things to catch if you pay attention to that kinda thing, haha. anywho...
          I would love it if you guys took the time to read my stories and give me feedback in the comments! I would especially appreciate it if you guys voted for my stories and shared them and stuff so they could get more views. I really hope you all enjoy my writings. Thank you so much!