
Hey guys! *Shamelessly pokes through the curtain I'm hiding behind* I'm back! (Well, I think so). Happy new year guys, I've missed you all and I've honestly missed writing. I just don't know what to write anymore to be honest. Mean while, TMS is doing well I see. Let's make a deal for an update (yea I'm shameless like that). If we can get it to 20k reads and 1k votes in the next 7 days,  I'll push myself to complete the chapter I'm working on and another one. That's a fair deal right? Y'all know how much these votes motivates us, that's the closest thing to a payment we can get after all. Okay, I've said more than I intended to. ILYA. And I pray we all have an amazing and fulfilling year ahead. Cheers! 


Hey guys! *Shamelessly pokes through the curtain I'm hiding behind* I'm back! (Well, I think so). Happy new year guys, I've missed you all and I've honestly missed writing. I just don't know what to write anymore to be honest. Mean while, TMS is doing well I see. Let's make a deal for an update (yea I'm shameless like that). If we can get it to 20k reads and 1k votes in the next 7 days,  I'll push myself to complete the chapter I'm working on and another one. That's a fair deal right? Y'all know how much these votes motivates us, that's the closest thing to a payment we can get after all. Okay, I've said more than I intended to. ILYA. And I pray we all have an amazing and fulfilling year ahead. Cheers! 


Update on The Masked Stripper?? I love it so far


Okay thanks, wishing you the best !!


@SEAshford I'll update as soon as I can get my life a bit settled. I'll make it as soon as possible for you. Thanks for the feed back and for reaching out ❤


Who missed me?! 
          Sorry for my very loooooooooooooonnnnng absence. I feel like all I ever do is say sorry. But I'll still say it. I'm sorry if you've been waiting for an update from me. My head is not in the right place right now and final year is a bitch. I don't even have time for myself anymore .  
          On that note.. Should I put the masked stripper on hold or leave it the way it is until when next I'm able to update? 
          Thanks for your patience lovelies! 
          ILYA! ❤


Hi guys! Hope we're all doing good and had a great thanksgiving celebration for those that celebrated it? So.. 
          I joined a chicklit contest titled "120 dates." My book for the contest is titled 'one more date', I actually wrote two books using that idea from the contest, 'meet again'. They're both under my works. But I submitted 'one more date' for the contest tho. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Thank you in advance.
          Stay safe and have a great weekend!


Good afternoon lovelies! 
          I've decided to put 'ayomide' on hold for the time being, until I get into it again. Meanwhile I'll try to write and finish 'the masked stripper' as soon as possible. So I can return to writing Ayomide. 
          I hope you continue to read my other works and check out the chicklit contest I'm participating in. 
          Have a great day and ensure to stay safe! 


A mini rant! Please read. 
          Good morning lovelies. 
          Okay.. So I'd applied for a contract on a book app, with the captains girl, and.. It was turned down. According to them, I need to add more plot twists in the starting chapters.
          So I'm here asking to get your honest opinions. Does the captains girl need more plot twists or any other thing even? Because, that really dropped the little confidence I had in my writing skills, a notch. It's my first book after all.
          So if you've read the complete book or the part I've edited. Please tell me from the bottom of your heart what you think about it, and if I really need to add some twists. 
          Hoping to hear from you guys!