Hello, i like to just write whatever comes to mind-- if you have a request i am open to writing it. My pronouns are they/them please.
I like ton of different animes and books so im not listing them, but i am open to talking about them, as i need more rick riodan fans as friends! (Alex is the best and no i will not change my mind)
If you are homophobic,transphobic,islamophobic, racist,sexist, or an a-hole in general please leave my page--thanks!
  • JoinedJune 28, 2020

Last Message
castalennerd castalennerd Jun 10, 2021 06:08PM
I miss having safe people. It kinda hurts when an adult you thought you could trust accidentally puts you in a bad spot. Even though im sure it was an accident i dont know if i can call that person s...
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