this message may be offensive
I’ve been in a reasonably depressed state recently. My cousin died (may her memory be a blessing) and as a Jew and a Palestinian I feel utterly heartbroken and torn between worlds. My mother’s family (who are the hardcore Catholics????) are somehow eve MORE Zionist than the Orthodox Jews on my dad’s side. The large chanukiyah outside of my shul was torn down and vandalized. I feel unsafe in Jewish spaces, and I feel out of sorts in goyim ones… it’s fucking awful having relatives that have been KILLED by the IOF as well as ones who serve in it.
I will scream Free Palestine until I take my last breath. I am mortified that the faith of my family has been twisted against my own people. I am angry and grieving and angry and grieving…
Today it’s Xmas. Even though Jews do not accept his messianic claims, Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was a poor, Palestinian Jew. And if he were being born today in Bethlehem, he would likely perish beneath the rubble.
I’m just so angry and heartbroken. Am Yisrael Chai has been bastardized. The nation of Israel (the Jews) and the Israeli Apartheid state are separate beings and their conflation is heartbreaking. I’m just so angry and so sad and my grief is so strong. I’m still mentally sitting shiva for my cousin who was killed trying to save Palestinian children from bombs launched by her fellow Jews. I’m… sorry, this is incoherent. I’m fucking exhausted.