Depending on these next two weeks. I might not be able to post some chapters as I'll b on vacation. But after those next two weeks I will try and post two chapters for each story.
I can't wait I have set a goal to reach 500 views od Castle before the end of this year and now I am so excited that there is 45 left. I thank you all whether you did read it or not for making me feel as if my stories are good. Thank you.
The books are Venetian Mask, Pirate's Jewel and Ups and Downs. One objection is all that is needed to save one or more books. I will wait until the end of this week for any objections. If there are no objections than they will be deleted on Saturday, June 1st.
Dead line: SATURDAY JUNE 1st
I am considering deleting my other books until this writer's block disappears. Castle will still be up but the three listed below are in danger of being deleted. If anyone would like to object just send me a message with the book or books you don't want to be deleted and I will save that or those books. Thanks for following me.