Wattpad used to be... free? It was a place for me to go and enjoy the minds and stories of other humans. Maybe its just me, but i don't enjoy the capatalistic route it's taking with Wattpad coins and Wattpad premium. It takes away the good of Wattpad (for me). Ya feel?
After 2 years and alot of contemplating whether to re-download this app or not, Ive come to reevaluate my claim. I appreciate the way Wattpad is now creating a way for creators to profit off their art. Labor isnt free. Creating and writing is a job that can be very draining. Some of the stories here on thisgodforsakenplace have made it to be published books. Some have the potential to do so as well as so much more. The writers of these stories deserve that. A couple of coins is nothing compared to beautiful experience I got from the books I read here. (And if you cant pay it, then don’t read it. There are plenty of writers who put out works for free.)