
Hiya, to everyone who was reading Unknown Secrets - I'm going to unpublish it because I just don't feel like the story has a point. And I don't like pointless stories. I don't have a goal for that story, I don't know what I want to do with it and I don't want you guys to feel like you're waiting for a chapter that's never going to come. So I'm going to unpublish is for the time being.


Hiya, to everyone who was reading Unknown Secrets - I'm going to unpublish it because I just don't feel like the story has a point. And I don't like pointless stories. I don't have a goal for that story, I don't know what I want to do with it and I don't want you guys to feel like you're waiting for a chapter that's never going to come. So I'm going to unpublish is for the time being.