
I'm officially 27, and I feel like a fossil even though I know I'm still young af. LMAO.
          	But anywayyy, happy bday to me. :P
          	xoxo <3
          	~ Leo


@by3rsthecleric Lmaooooo, you got it in time, it's still going on as it's today, July 15th. Thanks. :>


@cat_bostick Happy late birthday!!! Or early birthday 


I'm officially 27, and I feel like a fossil even though I know I'm still young af. LMAO.
          But anywayyy, happy bday to me. :P
          xoxo <3
          ~ Leo


@by3rsthecleric Lmaooooo, you got it in time, it's still going on as it's today, July 15th. Thanks. :>


@cat_bostick Happy late birthday!!! Or early birthday 


Now that I've published chapters 24 and 25 of "Sear" AND also "Part-Four".
          I am now working on chapter 6 of "Animal Instinct", and chapter 20 of "Gen Z". Because those need to be worked on as well.
          Either way, I've been in a writing mood again, so this is good. :)
          xoxo <3
          ~ Leo


          The way I just decided to write chapter 25 of "Sear", just to get some of it written.
          And now I'm ALREADY nearly done with the chapter.
          Ya'll are about to get 2 chapters of "Sear" in one sitting, hold up.
          Y'all are welcome. LMAOOO.
          xoxo <3
          ~ Leo


Oh and also, prepare yourselves for chapter 6 of "Animal Instinct", Boston's chapter. For my Stranger Things fic.
          It's going to be REALLY long. I'm on 4,000 words right now, and we aren't even in the MIDDLE of the chapter, yet, we are just getting started.
          I saw the word count as I SLOWLY approach the middle of the chapter, finally. And saw that I was already at 4K words.
          And I was like, yeahhhhhh, this is gonna be a LONG one.
          Soooo, have fun with that information with what you will. And buckle up. LMAO.
          ~ Leo


Also, by the way, I got a typewriter keyboard. And I'm OBSESSED with it. The feeling of it when typing, and the sound. To me, in my personal opinion, is so satisfying.
          Of course, I'm currently using it right now, lmao.
          And HONESTLY? It makes writing my books more fun. Because it's so fun to use, it just makes me want to write more, so that way, I'm using it.
          And besides, I've always wanted a typewriter. And this is the closest I'll ever get. Lol.
          Either way, totally recommend. :)
          ~ Leo


Those who have been LONG waiting for the next chapter for "Sear" to be updated, get ready, the newest chapter is halfway finished.
          So, you can expect an update - FINALLY - either later today, tomorrow, or at the very most over this weekend.
          If you've been waiting, you're welcome. :)
          xoxo <3
          ~ Leo


The covers for my Maze Runner series, "The Blind Series" is fully updated and recreated. The whole series is there.
          If you wanna see them all, go to the "Introduction" chapter of "Sear" and scroll to the bottom where it says "Series:".
          Anyway now that I've done that, it's back to writing I go. :)
          xoxo <3
          ~ Leo