
This story tells of the country of Indonesia in the year 2250, which experiences a tremendous earthquake. An unexpected event occurs: Indonesia is transported to another world along with nine ASEAN countries from the past, precisely in the year 2024.
          In this other world, Indonesia strives to appear normal and avoid raising suspicion among the other nine ASEAN countries while simultaneously trying to understand this new reality.
          Indonesia and the other nine ASEAN countries are making efforts to establish contact with the nations in this new world, but unfortunately, the contact is not friendly.


Hello @catcatsu author of Summoning Italy can I ask some questions about the future of the fan fiction you writing
          1. Will Italy meet Mu in the future?
          2. Will Italy establish a space agency to launch satellites and such in the future since the manga I think didn't cover that
          3. Will you tackle problems or crimes that will happen in the fantasy if Italy were to be transported there it would be interesting to see a trafficking ring like elves getting sold in the black market in Italy, drug problems being exported to Loria since after the war most of their citizens would be depressed, and such


and also airplanes have them ride boeing 747 or any commercial plane since the boat is the common travel for them and to see that civilians have access to airlines since this tech has benefits for the military it's absurd for fantasy people that common people has access to it


it would be awesome for you to tell us that humanity has reached space I would like to see the reaction of Remille after hearing about that since all of this tech that Italy achieved humanity reached space lol


Hello i just got information from @BraedimusSupreme Got this Notification from @Gabe1119,  "I must warn you all to put your incomplete stories as complete. Wattpad has been deleting the incomplete ones for some reason just to be safe. I already did my stories, so please hurry!" Sorry if i copying from them this message but this very serious !!!


Okay stand down, The information about deleted was a false alarm spreading by friend of @Dante31245, call BlackNight541. In the beginning the BlackNight541 wrote " he misunderstood the content of the message. The message said to promote stories, not delete them." A im very sorry :( about this false alarm, and stay open to any warnings from other users. :)