My Top Five songs at the moment are:
1) Live While We're Young by One Direction
2) Sleeply Little Town by JT Hodges
3)Some Nights by Fun
4) Uh Oh by Junior Doctors
5) She's So Mean by Matchbox Twenty
I'm going nuts over "Game of Thrones" Its so amazing!!!
I hate when people say "I'll always be there" and leave, like my past boyfriends or family members. I love being in love (even if I'm single now) I will always forgive someone. My favorite animals are horses and dragons. I am not a girly girl, but more of a tomboy. I don't feel that I'm very cute/pretty. I stand up for what I think is right and the people I love (even if they've hurt me.) I believe in God. I hate when people judge me, before getting to know me. I learned to forgive and forget the hard way. Don't ever let go.
- In my own little world
- RegistriertJuly 31, 2010
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I am looking for horse stories. Please tell me if you have someAlle Unterhaltungen anzeigen
Geschichten von catecat
- 2 veröffentlichte Geschichten

Change of Plan B
What happens when even Plan B won't work... can this boy find love with the most unpopular girl, who finds hi...

Hogwarts: A Change In Life
Hello my name is Jade. I'm a witch going to Hogwarts. I'm in Gryffindor and maybe falling for the one and on...