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Its so crazy how what I’ve read and how I’ve felt about each book has changed over the years. I remember i used to come on here and read so many fanfictions and imagines and how i used to just really connect to them and feel like i was the one in the book. I would just get so attached, especially to Justin Bieber. I still love him but its crazy how these books made me get so involved emotionally and mentally to someone I don’t even know, especially since its a fantasy of what we THINK someone is like. I was reading some of the old books and imagines i used to read and im just like damn, i really used to geek over this shit!!there’s something really amazing about it but i let it get unhealthy. now that I’ve matured i know how to still feel apart of a book but my out look has changed. all of the authors I started to read with in the beginning are all the ones i still read with now and its really beautiful seeing how they’ve all grown and improved. I love it. I love wattpad and all the positive things its done for everyone, its really everything. I know this is all over the place but its 1am where i am and i was just in my thoughts reminiscing haha sending love to everyone xx