
I should be updating When It All Began not this weekend but next weekend because I would be done with all the testing that I have to do for ECA. Please read the story I updated it like last weekend.


I know I have been MIA but I have been busy with marching band pratices so I haven't been writing but I am going to try to get a chapter uploaded by tuesday at some point since I have regerstration and all that on tuesday. Another reason why I haven't uploaded is because for the past week I have't had internet signal since I was at band camp learning the routines for the football game coming up and have been tired. I just got home yesterday and just wanted to relax and catch back up on sleep so today is my first day back on wattpad in a long time, I want to say a big thanks for reading my story even though that I haven't been updating and when i saw that it has went up in the reads know and it made me really happy and to help me make myself write the next chapter because I have been feeling down lately with all the drama going on with my life and finding out that my friend likes me more then a friend has just made it stressful if you guys read my story when it all began please let me know because I would love to dedicate a chapter to you for the first person that says that they have thank you so much 


I will not be able to update tomorrow the chapter isn't finished yet and I am busy tomorrow so I won't be able to update until next week hopefully. Monday I have pratice  for Fourth of July so updates will be unreguler.


I am writing up a chapter for When It All Began and I should have it uploaded in five days. If I can't upload then I will let you guys know. Love you all for being with me through reading my stories and I know that I haven't been having regular updates lately. I am trying to work on that so please stay with me if I don't update in the time that I tell you. 


I have updated When It All Began it has a chapter and I already have another chapter being started please read and comment on what you think about it and what should be fixed to make it any better it would make me so happy. *Mandy*


@xXLiveToLove14Xx to answer ur questions I would have to say Klaus for him and Tyler for Damon and Stefan I can't pick because they are really cool but of I really had to pick between the 2 I would have to pick Stefan i have been team stefan from the start but i have started liking damon more, and for Caroline (don't know if I spelled that right) and Halyle I would pick Caroline. I also have a question for you what do you think about Elena's and Damon's relationship? Also thanks for following me back I will follow you back an welcome to WATTPAD this place can get very addicting with the stories they have on here. You also sound pretty cool all because you like vampire daries and I think that anyone that likes the show is awesome.