// HERE IS UR KNITTING <3 [ humanstuck , no sburb ] rose walked down the hallway of her school - one she frequented often . it went to her last class of the day . she wasn't unpopular , but she wasn't a social butterfly either . she was the middle ground , everyone knows her but not for any specific reason . not like the popular kids . not like dave strider , or karkat vantas , or tavros nitram . none of them , she was just , there . apparently her final class was getting a new student today - jade ? jane ? one of those two , rose didn't remember it very clearly . she didn't have to try hard to have a good grade in the class , so she didn't pay much attention to the announcement . either way , rose had the only empty seat in the class sat right next to her , in the last row . as she said , she didn't have to try in this class . the people who needed more help sat in the front , and so she sat in the back . so , with that seat next to her , would be the one the new student sat in . as such , rose sat in her seat and waited .

{ @catgirlharley } she nodded , leaning down to grab her bag . she searched through it for a moment , before she pulled out a bag and held it out for jade .

( @catgirlrose ) she smiled awkwardly , " do you have an extra pen or pencil ? mine broke . "

{ @catgirlharley } rose looked up from her notebook , setting down her pencil . " hm ? "