
Finally, I have finished the Chapter One for the Desolate book. Come on and check it out. Let me know what you think and give me some tips or ideas. With that thank you for reading and I'll release Chapter Two: Thomas Yorker eventually. Thank you.


Finally, I have finished the Chapter One for the Desolate book. Come on and check it out. Let me know what you think and give me some tips or ideas. With that thank you for reading and I'll release Chapter Two: Thomas Yorker eventually. Thank you.


Tehbeeka! Hehe, by the way that's not a real word so don't look it up. Something random I say usually. Anyways yeah I've been busy lately. A little too busy to be precise, so I decided I'm going to remake the intro chapter and try again in the Desolate. With that I'll try to add more chapters for this book but it'll be a long process. Maybe even years til I finish it. Two things I'll cover for this right now for the Desolate.
          - I'm free writing for the majority of it, some editing here and there. Since I consider myself a very terrible editor. But if you feel like letting me know here and there, I wouldn't mind the extra thought.
          - For now I left the rights not specified since I don't know if it classifies on anything. I would like some help on the copyright on my level of understanding. I would rather appreciate it.
          Another thing I mentioned, on another social app I made an idea similar to this concept and inspired by my brother. If you want I could start working on it here alongside Desolate. To give you the basic concept it shares the world of Desolate but replace the virus with zombies.