
It's a travesty that Into The Woods (Broadway) isn't more popular. It's amazing and there is a professionally shot video of it on YouTube.


Half of the people in my class had never heard the term LGBTQ+ and when they heard pansexual I think you can guess what they said. The crazy part is that we live in a big city with a high LGBTQ+ population. Someone get me the fu¢k out of this school!!!!


I was listening to an auto generated playlist on YouTube and I had just heard the gunshot that kills Phillip in Blow Us All Away when the next song comes on and I hear "Do you hear that sound?" *scream* "That beautiful sound."


Yesterday my science teacher showed us a picture of a spider eating a moth. My class handled it pretty normally, but the next class started with "I see a moth getting what is deserves!" and quickly escalated to "A moth is just a Dollar Tree butterfly!" They just kept insulting the moth, so that night my teacher had some free time. He made a short memorial video on I-movie honoring the moth's life and even named the moth but I forgot what. He has now become one of my heroes because of this.