
There is probably something wrong with me...I'm kinda scared. So, to sum it up, I took some online tests, and talked with MULTIPLE AI therapists, and they all think I show MANY symptoms of ASPD. I won't say WHY exactly they think that, cause I don't want u guys to think I'm a bad person. I'm just..confused, okay? I know I don't post on here much anymore, but I want some advice..please.


@Apologetic_Artist thanks so much, honestly. I really appreciate it… <33


@cattykit_666 I'm sorry that has happened to you. I don't think any therapist should roll their eyes at a patient even if they got off subject. Therapists are supposed to listen to someone and help with any of their problems. I feel like she could've handled it better by trying to redirect you to the original topic by relating it to the off-topic conversation. I completely understand why you're scared to go back. As for the manipulative tendencies, those could always be worked on. Just because something is wrong doesn't mean it can't get better. Everything can heal. Whether that be physical or emotional, it takes time to heal something that's been there in your life. Again, I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way, and I hope you feel better. I don't know if this helps or not, but I'm sending virtual hugs your way. If you do end up going back to therapy, I hope that you get a better therapist that will actually take time to understand and listen to you. I keep on saying this but I genuinely hope you feel better and make sure to get out any of your emotions in a healthy way to feel your best. Whether that be writing it down, drawing something, or anything that helps you feel better. <3


@Apologetic_Artist thx so much…I’m just scared to go back therapy. I went when I was in like 2nd grade, and I hated it. She would very obviously be judging me with everything I told her, and she would roll her eyes if I got off subject. I am thinking of making a throwaway account and getting things off my chest on Reddit or something, but I’m scared someone will somehow find out who I am and expose me to the world..I’m not an entirely good person. The most I will say on here is that I have manipulative tendencies. I feel like any therapist would probably suggest me going to a psyche ward, and I don’t want that.


There is probably something wrong with me...I'm kinda scared. So, to sum it up, I took some online tests, and talked with MULTIPLE AI therapists, and they all think I show MANY symptoms of ASPD. I won't say WHY exactly they think that, cause I don't want u guys to think I'm a bad person. I'm just..confused, okay? I know I don't post on here much anymore, but I want some advice..please.


@Apologetic_Artist thanks so much, honestly. I really appreciate it… <33


@cattykit_666 I'm sorry that has happened to you. I don't think any therapist should roll their eyes at a patient even if they got off subject. Therapists are supposed to listen to someone and help with any of their problems. I feel like she could've handled it better by trying to redirect you to the original topic by relating it to the off-topic conversation. I completely understand why you're scared to go back. As for the manipulative tendencies, those could always be worked on. Just because something is wrong doesn't mean it can't get better. Everything can heal. Whether that be physical or emotional, it takes time to heal something that's been there in your life. Again, I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way, and I hope you feel better. I don't know if this helps or not, but I'm sending virtual hugs your way. If you do end up going back to therapy, I hope that you get a better therapist that will actually take time to understand and listen to you. I keep on saying this but I genuinely hope you feel better and make sure to get out any of your emotions in a healthy way to feel your best. Whether that be writing it down, drawing something, or anything that helps you feel better. <3


@Apologetic_Artist thx so much…I’m just scared to go back therapy. I went when I was in like 2nd grade, and I hated it. She would very obviously be judging me with everything I told her, and she would roll her eyes if I got off subject. I am thinking of making a throwaway account and getting things off my chest on Reddit or something, but I’m scared someone will somehow find out who I am and expose me to the world..I’m not an entirely good person. The most I will say on here is that I have manipulative tendencies. I feel like any therapist would probably suggest me going to a psyche ward, and I don’t want that.


          Hello, lovely followers! I need your help with something.
          So, I am starting a new book; but not just any book..
          You see, It will be sort of a random horror one shot book. Here's how it will work:
          Someone will comment some random idea, lets use "Flowers" as an example. So then I would write a horror story based on flowers! 
          These one shots will be very gorey, so TW for that!
          I would REALLY appreciate it if you guys would comment some ideas under this post, for my first few chapters. (I will ofc tag your name in the chapter that you requested!)
          I am not sure what I will name this book, but I will make another announcement once the first chapter is out! 
          Peace and Love,
          -Catty <3


Make a horror oneshot about those plastic toy cars that kids play in, Y’know the ones that are red and yellow and have eyes??? I wanna see where this goes


Hey, Catties..I wanted to say some things 
          I might quit adding chapters the DIGITALTIME one shot book. It’s just..I haven’t been getting many views,votes,and comments on a lot of my new chapters. And I have just been flopping a lot. 
          I really love writing this story,telling cute stories of Colin and tony! But it’s just I spend a lot of time thinking of a plot to a chapter and writing it out,but then it just gets 0 votes and no comments. 
          I might continue it tho!! :)


Hehe ily <3


@cattykit_666 Whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want to continue as a passion thing, you can. But, everyone has their own decisions on if they want to continue on something. I respect your decision, keep up the great work on all of your projects in the present and future!! You're an awesome person :D


Hello,everyone!!!! I wanted to say some things. Firstly,I'm working on a horror book here on Wattpad! It's gonna be super bloody!!
          Also,I just want to thank all of my followers. I know I only have 26,but I am still so grateful! I want to especially thank @jakey2419!!! You were the first person to ever say u liked my books! I told  my friend at the time about my account on wattpad,but she would just say my stories are dumb. That was back in November of 2022. I was thinking of quitting,since she would constantly insult what I like,but u gave me the confidence to continue writing,and im so glad I did! I have been told by so many WONDERFUL people that they love my writing style! I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME THROUGH ALL THE TIMES I DIDNT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@cattykit_666 You are awesome!! Can't wait to read your new horror book!! Keep up the great work :DD


Omg! i found you! im on a new account and ive been looking for so long!


I’m glad to have u back!


i had an angel pfp and i recently got logged out so im happy i found you again!