Well, good news I'm not dead. Sorry I just disappeared. After the last chapter, I got really sick then proceeded to move away to college. And after starting college I got really depressed. Through all of this time, I have been thinking a lot about the soulless city. And the more I thought about it the more a grew to dislike what it has become. A combination of poor planning and bouts of being unmotivated have changed the soulless city from a wealth of potential to an experimental mess. All of this to say I just don't like it or where it's going. I was planning on wrapping it up with one last chapter but I just can't keep writing it. I've decided to abandon it and move on. Unfortunately, my next project isn't going to be posted here. I'm instead going to write it and hone it until it is good and finished. Then I'll attempt to publish it. Though I won't be posting here consistently I'll probably continue to post short stories on here every so often.