
Howdy there, I'm trying to establish my presence on the internet, I would love to read your story out loud in a video format,  like an audio book.
          My aim with this is that I get to publish a video, doing something I enjoy, reading, and you hopefully get exposure and more people reading your stuff.
          I completely understand if you don't want that.
          But let me know if you do, hope to hear from you :]


I would love to talk more about this. I’ll send you a DM on Instragram and we can discuss this further.


I really liked *Too dark to see* but your other ones also seem really interesting.
            I plan to use YouTube, I'm not a professional in any measure, but also I want this to be accessible, audiobooks are often behind a paywall and I want this to be something anybody can listen to.
            I plan to have the video unlisted and send ya a link to it, also would love to know some preferences, I use discord (anosheep) and Instagram (Anosheep_) but I'm open to whatever you are most comfortable with


Hello! Before anything else, could I know where you would be posting an audio recording and which story you would be interested in reading out loud?