Hello, my lovely readers.
First, Happy New Year!!
Second, I apologize for the lack of communication. The second half of 2022 was difficult (among other things, "stepmothers" are not good), money was tight, I got a new job, a promotion, I'm trying to finish my degree, and a butt load of personal stuff was and still is going on, and something needed to shift to the back burner.
WP was that thing. Please know that I will be finishing Harry and Mia's journey.
Third, I will be back on February 1st, that sacred day I'm sure we all celebrate.
Fourth, to all those who have stuck around and have reached out, thank you and I love you and appreciate you and I hope that what I have in store for the end of book 2 and book 3 will be entertaining and fulfilling.
Again I'm sorry for the lack of communication over the last few months. Sometimes life takes hold and it's hard to come back after a long time.
I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and a happy new year.
I'll see you in February!
All the love, C