Hey guys. I wanted to give you guys an update about the new schedule I have for YouTube, Wattpad, and DeviantArt, which are the three platforms I want to make a living off of.
Sunday - YouTube
Monday - YouTube
Tuesday - Wattpad
Wednesday - Wattpad
Thursday - DeviantArt
Friday - YouTube
Saturday - YouTube
This schedule is based on my overall popularity on each platform. It may change in the future depending on if I experience popularity changes. I may not be able to post as I want to on each day, and I apologize in advance for times I may not be able to post on a certain day. But I promise you guys, I'll be working harder on my content than ever. If you don't want to miss out on any of my content, go to these links for my YouTube channel and DeviantArt page.
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/CCAProductions
DeviantArt - http://cca-productions.deviantart.com/