Call me an idol
Place me on a pedestal
Lather me in gold
But no matter what you do,
You can never erase my humanity
But you don't want to hear that
All you want is to be me
And all I want is to be you
So why don't we become one
So we can be each other?
You only notice how perfect I am
But you never notice me when I make mistake.
You only envy my perfection
But never help me when I fall.
How selfish are you?
How gone are you?
I'm sorry for being alive.
You made me stop saying that for awhile
But now you're the reason why I want to die.
You are so stupid that you don't even consider
How you make me feel.
I only want to be an equal with you.
I just want to be with you.
I'm tired of being lonely.
So please, break down this pedestal
And allow me to hug you again
And smile just like I used to.