
Welllllll dammmm! It's been almost a year since I've left a message here huh!?! Haha! Didn't mean to leave y'all hangin, I guess, if y'all have been following me and keeping up with my posts you already know it's been a minute since I last published a chapter for SS. Truth, I kinda got writers block! I'm stuck on this chapter, kinda in the middle of it actually, and like mid conversation between characters! So I've been reading til I figure out where to go from where I'm at on it.-does that make sense? Hope it does! Ugh, anyway, I'll update SS when my mind, in a way-regarding the book-starts back up, and knows where to go from there! Either way, I know I should've said this at the beginning of this little blah blah blah, WHAAAAZZZZUUUUUUP PEOPLES!!!!!!!!hahahaha!  
          	Ps I've been reading ALOOOOOT! Don't believe me? Look at my suuuuuuuper continued reading list! Hahaha! Like i think? I've said before, I read kinda fast and I tend to read a lot so, yeah! 
          	Anyway, this is getting kinda long soooooo PEACE OUT PEEPS!❤️-Cee!!!


Welllllll dammmm! It's been almost a year since I've left a message here huh!?! Haha! Didn't mean to leave y'all hangin, I guess, if y'all have been following me and keeping up with my posts you already know it's been a minute since I last published a chapter for SS. Truth, I kinda got writers block! I'm stuck on this chapter, kinda in the middle of it actually, and like mid conversation between characters! So I've been reading til I figure out where to go from where I'm at on it.-does that make sense? Hope it does! Ugh, anyway, I'll update SS when my mind, in a way-regarding the book-starts back up, and knows where to go from there! Either way, I know I should've said this at the beginning of this little blah blah blah, WHAAAAZZZZUUUUUUP PEOPLES!!!!!!!!hahahaha!  
          Ps I've been reading ALOOOOOT! Don't believe me? Look at my suuuuuuuper continued reading list! Hahaha! Like i think? I've said before, I read kinda fast and I tend to read a lot so, yeah! 
          Anyway, this is getting kinda long soooooo PEACE OUT PEEPS!❤️-Cee!!!


Hi! Thanks for adding OMEGA to your reading list. Hope you enjoy!! ❤️❤️❤️


            Of course! It's one of my favorite genres! One I'm most comfortable reading really. Can't wait to read after it's basically finished! Wanted to wait on reading it cause I read kinda fast and I wasn't sure how many more chapters you have left to write for it so, yeah. Anyway, I'm excited to read it! ❤️-Cee!


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


this message may be offensive
Hellllooo people's!!! 
          Yiiiiikes! Been a whole year since I've posted anything on here for anything huh!?! But omg! Life has not been the best in many aspects of mine! Shit happened and to put it simply, I hit a low point in my life and I'm still working on getting back to a somewhat "normal" level. So, tho I have been reading quite a bit still, I've yet to have the motivation really to post anything or update any of my works! Now I'm not gonna say I will be working on updating anything either, well, until I feel more motivated (mentally and emotionally) to do so. 
          Soooo yeah, that's that and this is me just letting all of you know I'm still here  and hope all of you doing alright as well. 
          Also are any of you having tech problems with wattpad rn? More specifically your library page? For some reason it's only loading two rows of books I wanna read and it's not letting me access the continue reading,details,archive, and I think the last button option is supposed to be remove or delete? options....ya know when you tap the book and it shows those options??...yeah, that! Something is wrong with it. 
          Thanks for reading my little rant thing! 
          I'm out! ❤️Cee!!


Hey there! 
          Have you ever read a novel about an uncle who is forced to take custody of his nephew, and later decides to kill him? 
          If that plot excites you, my story “Evaughn,” will also excite you. It has romance, murder, emotional conflict, manipulation, you name it. 
          So far, I have written 33 chapters (almost finished). I kindly ask that you read the first 3 chapters and see what you think. 
          Thank you in advance : )


          Apologies my people's, but my ipad has sorta bit the dust sync wise so I'm not able to update my works(I know,I know! Not that I have for a while but work with me a bit yeah?) I'm writing/typing this from a phone rn and god's know if I were to update my works on a friggin phone it'll all go to hell!!! So yeah......Also I wouldn't be able to sit here for that long and be straining my eyes to look at the little text like that!  So imma only leave short comments on books I've read (surprisingly on the ipad!) and it'll be that way for a while til I'm able to get another type of tablet or something.☹️ 
          Alrighty,guess that's all for now peoples!
          ✌️ Cee!!


Hey there peoples!!
          Ok, I just gotta quick question..........
          Does anyone know if there's a limit on how many people you can follow??? Because apperantly for the last few books I read I tried to follow the author(s) that wrote them aaaaaaaaand......it won't let me!! I am very aggravated with watt pads dam limits as it is with how many books you can put in a list but really? If there's a limit on how many people I can follow that's just going to be extremely annoying!! I do hope it's just a glitch and not some rule or whatever! Uhgh!! It's just sooooo frustrating cause after reading an awesome book I like to keep up with the authors works and to do that I follow them! Duh! I'm pretty sure others do the same! Aaaaand also if someone decides to follow me I follow them back cause why not? It's like a reflex when I do that! For anyone to just follow me without expecting anything back(not gonna lie there have been a few that followed for the sole purpose of getting me to follow them back then they do a 180 and unfollow me!! Little twats!! Y'all know who you are!! Mmmhmm! I am insulted!) of course I'll follow back!! 
          But anyway, enough with my lil rant......
          If anyone knows if there's a limit let me know! Please! 
          Thank you so much! ❤️


I know! I'm horrible at keeping updated on here(the mb!) but hey, I love to just read!! *shrugs shoulders*
          Anyway we're moving to our new house tonight so we will be without internet til tomorrow evening (I can survive...+_+) so yeah......
          Ok, laters peeps!❤️☮️


Awwe! Thank you! ❤️
            Aaaand we have internet now obvi! Haha! ^w^
            But ughghg, moving is soooooo hard and veeeery tiring! *_*
            Thanks again for the well wishes!


@ceekaysmiles87 Best wishes! Feel great in your new house ❤❤❤


Hi there! Thank you so much for following me, your support means a lot to me :) I really hope you enjoy my stories, thanks again!


Well in that case, I’m glad my profile is cool :) thanks again for your support and have a great day! 


            Oh! You are so welcome! I always follow those who write really great books! Or have cool profiles...or those who are just pretty cool in general. Meh, or those who follow me first! I'm not a picky person.....okay sorry now I'm making it weird! ‍♀️‍♀️I'm just gonna go now..