
I have an Anouncment!!  I am putting "The Exacusion Grounds" On hold for bit. So in return,  I have decided to start a new book that I'm working on.  I'm not gonna give any spoilers,  no matter how much I want to ;-) 
          	But I can promise you that it's gonna be a good one!  I guarantee it!  That's all I have for this update,  if you guys are enjoying "Hello Cupid! " As well as my other stories, make sure to vote,  like and don't forget to follow before you leave!  (Also,  let me know you're thought in this new book.  You excited?  And don't be afraid to be honest.) 
          	See you in the funny papers! 


I have an Anouncment!!  I am putting "The Exacusion Grounds" On hold for bit. So in return,  I have decided to start a new book that I'm working on.  I'm not gonna give any spoilers,  no matter how much I want to ;-) 
          But I can promise you that it's gonna be a good one!  I guarantee it!  That's all I have for this update,  if you guys are enjoying "Hello Cupid! " As well as my other stories, make sure to vote,  like and don't forget to follow before you leave!  (Also,  let me know you're thought in this new book.  You excited?  And don't be afraid to be honest.) 
          See you in the funny papers! 


Hey everyone!  I just published a new part to hello Cupid!  I worked very hard on this part especially because I published it on my computer but it didn't show on my phone so I re typed it all on my phone and as I got to the very end,  wattpad stopped working and I had to rewrite it all over again... But regardless,  I hope you all enjoy! 
          See you in the funny papers! 


Aalllright my little Angel's. I just posted a new part to "hello cupid!" To all of you who have read it, what do you think about the new way I've written it? I hope you all enjoy it! 
          See you in the funny papers! 
          (Psssst...I'm also pre writing some more chapters for you all to read and enjoy! )


Hello my pretty little Angel's! Soo...I'm going to rewrite 'hello cupid!'. But done worry! It's not gonna change much at all. It will just have a little more detail and more well written, but it will still have the same concept. I hope you guys are okay with it well, that's it for this time around. See you in the funny papers! 


@celestialbatya YAYYYYYY~
            So excited! 


soooo.....i might have tp re do the ENTIRE book of "hello cupid!" because watpad is being STUPID and isnt letting me edit a new chapter to it....Don't worry, im as sad mad as yku are. I'm gonna attempt to edit a new part and see if it will let me. But on the bright side, I just got done editing a new part to "the exacution grounds" so if you've been waiting a LONG while for that one then a new chapter has just been posted for you all. 
          As well as a new chapter to " The two jacks" which, btw, how are you all liking that one? send me some feedback on it. I would love to hear what you think. 
          well, that'll be it for this round. I hope you all enjoy my books, dont forget to follow, and i will see you all in the funny papers! 


Hey everyone!! I deleted my other chapter of "love cupid" Because i didnt really like the way it turnd out. It seemed rushed. Which it kinda was because i wrote it in a hotel room at night before bed while on a trip to yellow stone. So i Opoligize for that chapter and taking it down and not reuploading a new one. But i promise to make a new and better version of the one i deleted. 
          But until then, go ahead and read some of my other books that im working on! And remember, if anyone has any ideas on a chapter for "hello cupid" Then please be sure to contact me on Instagram, or here! 
          Thats all i gotta say for this round. See ya in the funny papers!! ❤