
bab dua puluh delapan... rachel sayang, it just won't stop, will it. the grief you're holding on to is first holding on to you. i hope one day you can be set free, and even if you couldn't, i hope you'd be at peace with living in it, and even if there were no peace, i hope you, for some reason, in some God-orchestrated chances, accept that perpetual sadness, the sudden waves of grief that toss you to the shore, the shore that swallows you to the valley of the shadow of death, and the death that brings you right to Christ as both your Savior and your cross. this is my prayer, rachel. this time, don't drink it away.


bab dua puluh delapan... rachel sayang, it just won't stop, will it. the grief you're holding on to is first holding on to you. i hope one day you can be set free, and even if you couldn't, i hope you'd be at peace with living in it, and even if there were no peace, i hope you, for some reason, in some God-orchestrated chances, accept that perpetual sadness, the sudden waves of grief that toss you to the shore, the shore that swallows you to the valley of the shadow of death, and the death that brings you right to Christ as both your Savior and your cross. this is my prayer, rachel. this time, don't drink it away.


halo kak sorry random, km anak teologi ya? atau km jurusan ke kristenan lainnya? cerita yang kamu tulis bagus bangeeet , baca ceritanya kyk sambil merenungkan firman  T T


Halo, terima kasih banyak! Saya bersukacita bahwa Tuhan Yesus melalui cerita saya menyingkapkan sesuatu yang baik. Semua itu oleh Dia saja, tidak ada hubungannya dengan ilmu atau hikmat atau binatang kesukaan saya atau apa saja :) Tuhan Yesus memberkati!  


Crying cs no one will love me as much as Jared loves Rachel and Arya loves Vanesha :(


Hi, thank you so so much for reading their stories! I hope your version of Jared or Arya comes through real soon. Until then, rest in knowing that there's Someone who loves you harder than the both of them combined. He rules a Kingdom, too! :)