
What if my ‘violet’ harboured actual feelings for me and set them free? What would be now? 


when will you post that part? i’m so ruffled!


@ForSale518 You know, I might just put the whole thing that happened in a chapter HAHAHA


@xelphilia MALI-MALI PALA GRAMMAR KO OMG. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE “but I set them free, what would happen to the ‘us’ now?” 


When will you release the other parts, author? I have to read it. 
          Author, I have a question, what or how do I tell him that I love him? In a way that won’t be too harsh or parang drooled in his perspective, you know?


@ForSale518 Maybe this week if sinipag HAHAHA.
            To be honest, a confession doesn't take that much you know, effort. It's not supposed to be a scripted essay that you've memorized by heart; it's supposed to be short and simple. There's no such thing as “too harsh” or “too lovey dovey”, because love is love. It might be unrequited or it may have a happy ending depending on how you word your confession. 
            Let's put it like this, I made this book to express my love for my ‘violet’, the way on how you'll tell him that you love him? It's up to you.


What if my ‘violet’ harboured actual feelings for me and set them free? What would be now? 


when will you post that part? i’m so ruffled!


@ForSale518 You know, I might just put the whole thing that happened in a chapter HAHAHA


@xelphilia MALI-MALI PALA GRAMMAR KO OMG. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE “but I set them free, what would happen to the ‘us’ now?” 


In reality, this is my first time leaving a message and doing so through a dump account. But who is your violet, as the author?
          Curious lang po si em 


@ForSale518 Anon, there are two types of people and two types of love.
            The idiotic one where you get nothing in return but you continue doing it despite the odds because you really love that person no matter how much they try to push you away— it hurts but your yearning has to be quenched one way or another. And the traquil type of love where the connection and flow goes both ways, the love's mutual so it continues on blossoming.
            Too bad for me that I chose the former one and no matter how awful it may seem, my ‘violet’ makes me really, really happy. The things I write may seem angsty and depressing but there are also two sides of the story and the human eye; you either only take a glance at it and jump into conclusions, or you dive deeper into its meaning and still manage to find the happiness within it.


You seem to be in pain based on what you wrote, am i right? 
            Why pursue someone who doesn't even like you, then?
            Also, why don't you stop if they don't show any interest?


@ForSale518 Let's put it like this na din, Violet's my first love 