I’m so sorry for the lack of updates to When The Lights Go Down, my schedule has been so hectic lately that I haven’t had a chance to properly sit down and write something worth posting. And as the story is coming to an end I want to make sure I’m closing it out exactly like I imagined it and give you all a satisfying ending. I’m hoping to write some tonight and give you a new chapter in the next few days though. Thank you for always sticking with me through the dry spells, I appreciate it so much ❤️ (And to everyone who’s fics I read, I promise I will be catching up soon and I look so forward to it!)

take your time, no rush. we are excited to read it and it's always worth it!!❤️ i didn't post a chapter in like 3 weeks because i am always busy. and i keep apologizing over and ove again

Take your time, Honey! We love your stories and every single one of us knows, that they are worth the wait! We’re here for you! ❤️