Hey guys. Yeah this account has officially been purged. I am so excited to post my writing! But it will not be about anything you have followed me for. Also, tell me what you want to see! I've actually been delving more and more into video games, and I'm thinking of doing a one shot book with Second Son. However, I have an OC or two that I involve. Do OCs in fanfics annoy you? Let me know. Personally, other people's OCs make me cringe sometimes, and when they involve their character, it can be a little frustrating, because I know every character but this one, who is NOT like other girls.

@Starelf555 thank you. And it will be little oneshots, so I'll do whatever pairing, but I wrote this character for a longer fic that I do not intend on sharing.

@cellabration_angel OC's in fanfics are fine, as long as they don't end up overshadowing, or outright replacing, the actual characters, and if they're not just shoehorned into the plot to be some sort of wish-fulfillment fantasy without actually adding anything new to the story. I have OC's in my stories, and I try very hard not to let them take all of the attention from the MC's.