
The mother-daughter relationship is complex. Luckily, Jill has found a way to cope! https://www.wattpad.com/1514089811-the-one-shot-series-nsfw-mothers-and-daughters


I've posted the latest installment of Caught to get us through this absolutely terrible time.  I hope you're all hanging in there.
          She winced as she turned her neck towards him. “I know. My inability to resist you is why I have this headache to begin with. God, this baby better be the easiest infant ever,” she said, placing her hand on her belly.
          “Is there anything I can do for you? A glass of water? Some ice?” Joe asked.
          Jill closed her eyes, trying to will the pain away. 
          “Actually, yes.”
          “Sure, what do you need?”
          “Uh, never mind. My parents are right downstairs.”
          Joe raised an eyebrow, “Oh, that..."
          Read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1495326262-caught-a-day-in-june-bonny-jean


I've added a new one-shot to my prompt-inspired series!
          Below is a short preview:
          He would never admit it, but she could hear the slight tremor in his voice whenever he spoke about the countless vulnerable children he had learned about crossing the border into Poland and surrounding countries.
          "You know, the hardest part of it all is the kids," he admitted, his gaze drifting down to his notepad. The page was blank except for a solitary scribble in the margin - a desperate attempt to ground himself amid the overwhelming emotions swirling within him. "They didn't choose this life, they were simply born into it." He focused intently on that small mark, clinging to it as a lifeline to prevent himself from completely breaking down.
          Read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1481531285-love-letters-written-in-the-margins-sunflower 


I hope everyone is coping okay with the news today. I know we're all reeling and a bit raw. Please take care of yourselves.
          As for our fandom, I'm not sure what the future holds, but I do know that I'm committed to finishing "Teach Me", and I would love to post another long fic I've been working on for the past two years. Fandoms often endure long after their shows are gone, so maybe we'll be able to do the same.
          For now, we have 6 more months of J&J to enjoy.
          If you're with me, let's keep the spirit alive. I'm in if you're in.  Xo


@celticandcapri I hope you don’t quit after January!


@AliMl10 Aw, thank you Ali! I do have some more stories to share before we wrap up the presidency so stay tuned. 


@celticandcapri  I plan to keep reading so I hope you keep writing!