I was reading a book about writing mysteries that has articles by mystery writers.
I don't know if its okay to mention books that are not Wattpad books, but in my humble opinion, this book has some good writing advice.
The title is Writing Mysteries edited by Sue Grafton.
I'm only on page 105.
Here are some pieces of advice that I liked and plan to use.
1. Write a biography of your characters/start with the villain's reasons. I had been wanting to write a story based on haunted place that I read about in Mysteries of Space, Time & Mind.
I'm going to start with a farmhouse/or castle people in the story reportedly see. This is based on a farmhouse supposedly seen in a place called Bachelor Grove Cemetery. The farmhouse supposedly gets further away the closer people get to it, then disappears completely.
I'm going to write of a few other paranormal incidents in the ring of woods, but they may not even end up in the final version of the story.
I also want to write a short mystery story and submit it to magazine. The magazines are very competitive, and probably won't get accepted But you have to keep writing and submitting. Keep working.