
hello everyone!
          	i know it’s been awhile, my apologies. i’m not sure if or when i’ll be coming back to writing just because i’m trying to focus on work and my first year of university. my works aren’t technically discontinued but on an indefinite hiatus. 
          	i made a reading list called “my beloveds” which features a few of my friends works! i encourage everyone who enjoys my writing to take a peak at the reading list and their profiles. they’re wonderful people. 
          	thank you for everyone who has stuck around! i love y’all <3


hello everyone!
          i know it’s been awhile, my apologies. i’m not sure if or when i’ll be coming back to writing just because i’m trying to focus on work and my first year of university. my works aren’t technically discontinued but on an indefinite hiatus. 
          i made a reading list called “my beloveds” which features a few of my friends works! i encourage everyone who enjoys my writing to take a peak at the reading list and their profiles. they’re wonderful people. 
          thank you for everyone who has stuck around! i love y’all <3


memento mori, friends. remember the memories we had. 
          i’m so sad i stayed up all night for the livestream so i could be there when they deleted it, but i’m excited to see what mark and ethan have in store for their own channels.  


@XOIZYS literally over $5000 for it too,, and they bought it awhile ago for a video i don’t really think anyone was actually expecting them to buy it 


omg my cousin watched it too. can’t believe they had a coffin and everything 